Lead Generation marketing for video producers – Case study

A client who has previously worked with us has decided to use our services again. Engaging in a second campaign is a sign of a process that is delivered well and a confirmation of the trust that has been gained. What is many times vague for many companies is that the results and the success of the campaigns are also dependent on their own capacity to respond to the opportunities created during the prospecting and campaigning process. The targeting and strategizing is also an interactive process in which inputs are exchanged and participation is just as important as their insight and analytics. Also, the process of “bringing home” the created opportunities means some effort on the client’s behalf in engaging with the prospects and putting in time and human resources in the process of negotiation and taking on the meetings with their potential clients. So, there is a sales process that falls in the hands of the client and, the more prepared they are  for this challenge, the more success can come from the created opportunities. 

In this case study we will present a process of improvement, a growth process of the sales and negotiation teams “know-how”. Having a client that is determined and dedicated to their goals and sharp in accomplishing their mission doubles the chances of a highly successful lead generation process. 

In this example, our clients provided very detailed and precise targets, which shows that they have done extensive analytics and optimization before approaching us for the second time. This is a very good starting point for two reasons: it shows dedication, understanding of the market, understanding of the industry and a psychological firmness – having a clear vision of where the company wants to go and what it wants to accomplish. 

Our client is a Swiss video production company for explanatory videos and infographics, and has a rich portfolio with successful companies such as Allianz, Siemens, Longines, Generali, Swatch and many others. The challenge was to penetrate the Swiss market and get in contact with the targeted companies. 

After all the input from our client when it came to mapping out the targets, and using our expertise, the target was established to be companies based in Switzerland who are in the Banking, Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries, as well as a few hundred other companies chosen by the clients to be approached during the campaign. This was followed by refining the search for the profiled prospects in the process of executing the campaign, and ultimately showed excellent results: 27 leads within the first 10 days of the campaign. In only six weeks we managed to achieve 95 leads.

The example of this case study clearly shows that repetition of the lead generation process, with taking the natural steps toward growing and improving the sales process as well as dedicated refining of the vision of the company brings accountable results. 

Our lead generation specialist who worked on their campaign would say it is ,,astonishing,, and it truly is astonishing how things get better and better when all the right ingredients are put in place.

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