How to Make Your Sales Conversations More Effective?

One of the crucial points in selling is knowing how to communicate with your clients and be able to listen to their dilemmas and their problems. Digging deeper into your customer’s personal life can only help you tailor your selling strategy and effectively increase your sales. 

The point is not to take advantage of someone’s problems, but to engage more humanely so that people can develop some level of trust and they can rely on your company and your products. 

Questions That Improve Your Selling Strategy 

Encourage your clients to Tell You More 

This is not even a question, it doesn’t end with a question mark as you can notice, but when you tell this to your client, you’re encouraging him/her to dive deeper into their problem. This is how you will get to the point of what’s been bothering them and conclude when it’s the best time to represent your product as a solution to their problem. 

Be genuinely curious

A very easy question you may ask is the one where you make them think even more about why things are as they are. “Why is that?” will only take them out of their heads, and make them think about the possible solutions to their problem. This is where they confide in you and feel a deeper connection, believing that you can provide them with the required solution. 

Make your Prospect give you a detailed and precise explanation

When you want to have a precise discussion around a specific topic you should imply this question to the client, just say “unwrap that for me”. For instance when they say they’ve had an annual rough patch, slip this right under their door, so that you’ll make them give you the right reasons why was that year tougher compared to the previous.

This is how you will learn more about their general ups and downs, with the end goal of customizing a proper sales strategy.

Stimulate your client’s mind

If your discussion is fruitful, you must learn how to stimulate your client’s mind. Using the right tone and asking them “why”? Something is the way they think it is, or why are they having those particular thoughts can only show them that you’re truly interested in understanding them and you want a proper explanation of how things stand.

Keep your prospect talking

Adjust your voice tone, listen to your prospect carefully, and then after he/she finishes explaining the certain subject, ask them “really?” Use a tone that leaves an impression that at the same time you feel compassion, but that you are also amused and feel curious about the situation that happened to them.

This way they will keep talking and you’re communication won’t be enforced and won’t be interrupted by unpleasant silence. 

Activate both layers of consciousness in every client

Lead your discussion with pure clarity, if there is a case where something is not well explained or unclear, or maybe your client asked a question, respond like this “what made you say something like that?” Asking this will make them hold for a bit and think thoroughly and deeply about the issue, addressing you for a possible solution. 

By implementing this question in your selling technique you’ll be able to activate both layers of consciousness in your client and make them go to the root of their inconvenience. 

Inspire your clients to address their problems

One very powerful question that you can ask your client is what have they done to solve their problem? This is how you trigger them to start thinking and reevaluate their efforts for solving the issue and how they did that, did they try hard enough, or did they try a new strategic solution? 

If they haven’t done anything to find a solution for what they claimed was bothering them, and address it as an issue, you will know right away where you stand in the mutual communication, and also you’ll have a clear vision with what type of client you are cooperating with. 

Make communication more personal 

Replace theoretical conversation with a more personal level of exchanging information by implementing this question: How does this affect you and your company? This is how you engage in a unique and significant discussion with your customers, checking out if this affects them for real, or if it’s not on their priority list. 

Understanding this will help you to design a solution for the specific situation, or it will simply give you a sign in which direction your efforts should go. 

Update their priority list

Updating your customers’ priority list is inevitable if you want your endeavor to be successful. This enables them to be mindful when it comes to choosing what their priority should be and to start focusing on this one thing in particular. 

This question is appropriate in cases where the customers aren’t quite sure what their main challenge is or they don’t know how to explain their problems with clarity. 


Conclusion: Running successful sales can be challenging, but to stay on top you should be always informed about the new trends which are constantly changing. Your selling strategy should be evolving and adjust to your client’s needs. 

Being innovative and creative can boost your selling techniques and take your business to a much higher level. You just need to be open and different from your competitors, take people’s needs seriously and work with them as if you are interested and involved in their lives, instead of just being plain and leaving an impression that you only want to take their money. 

Their purchase is your end goal anyway, but you should know how to customize the buyer’s journey so that customers return to you repeatedly. 

Contacts us to discuss your specific sales challenges and how we can help you in your B2B sales efforts.