How to Develop Your LinkedIn B2B awareness strategy?

Brand awareness is the inevitable element by which your brand it’s going to be developed and guided through all the other phases that must be endured, all of the processes that will come along so that in the end purchases and decisions can be made. Without creating a firm brand foundation you can’t build anything.

LinkedIn as a platform has been used for posting B2B blogs that have a wide range of engagement more than on any other social network meaning that it’s excellent as a content medium.

Several steps need to serve as a guide that will help you to develop the right strategy for increasing your brand’s awareness throughout the platform.

Determine your objectives

A rule that you must follow when it comes to conducting awareness campaigns for your brand is how well-defined your main objectives are. There are 3 main areas on which you should be focused:

  • Elevating your brand exposure: If your company wants to promote a new product or a service on the market your focus should be centered on expanding the reach.
  • Enlarge the number of your followers: Having an expanded list of connections can be a huge benefit to your LinkedIn profile, it can bring the right brand advocates to your door
  • Engaging through content: Your brand voice needs to be heard and noticed, the right way to achieve this and to share it throughout the platform is to become more active on your page and to write regular posts that will show you’re constantly present

Pick out your target audience

Before you start creating your content you must define your target audience since the content you’ll be creating will be tailored according to the needs of your audience. The fact that 4 out of 5 members of the platform can make decisions when it comes to your business, needs to light your bulb and make you think how serious this asset is. If you don’t have the right audience, then you will make a big mistake, and that is something that needs to be avoided.

Your focus should be at:

  • Location: You should think about where you like would increase awareness for your brand, and which geographical locations would be the right fit for your products.
  • Persona: The right persona is always crucial when it comes to raising awareness, you need to focus on the right gender, the job title of this person, and their role in the company they work at. All of these assets are very important because this is how you know who the right personas are that will be keen to learn more about your brand.
  • Industry: Last but not least you should always choose the proper industry that relates to the products and services you offer as a company. If you don’t choose the right industry you’ll end up barking at the wrong tree.


Use the LinkedIn platform for expanding your brand awareness

Your marketing efforts should be distributed on LinkedIn to expand awareness about your brand, becoming consistent in posting relevant content and content that describes the benefits your brand can bring to your customers is the most important forte you should promote on the platform.

  • Blog publishing: This is how your brand gets noticed, by sharing articles that contain expert advice about your particular industry, sharing some thought leadership pieces, and talking about your experience in your professional branch.
  • Video Content: Creating 30 seconds videos that are highly creative and amusing can increase the completion rate by 200% and they will allow you to connect with your audience in a more authentic way than just writing text.
  • Social Media: Don’t exclude sharing the latest business-related news, webpages, info-graphics, event landing pages, presentations, etc. Anything that can increase engagement and awareness with your audience is highly beneficial to your brand growth.
  • Stories: Sharing stories that contain a sneak peek into your professional surrounding and your teamwork is an excellent chance to bring people close to your brand and to give them a chance to see how your business functions and develops daily.


Content Frequency

Being consistent is an inevitable part of your want to have a successful and well-developed brand, so your content must be visible to your audience in the right place and at the right time. LinkedIn’s statistics have shown that B2B decision-makers are researching their products constantly.

  • 73 % during evening hours
  • 51% during weekends
  • 69% throughout the day

You should divide your content into:

  • Daily Content: Blog posts, presentation decks, brand-related articles, etc.
  • Weekly Content: Monthly articles that will contain industry trends, lessons, and experiences.
  • Monthly Content: Creating webinars where you can invite your partners and your targeted audience to actively participate, having the opportunity to get to know your brand better.


Bring to Light Your Brand Content

Learning how to expose your brand to the right audience is a must and here are some of the tips that can help you in that mission which if properly followed can be very simple and easy.

Teamwork: Implementing your team in sharing content related to your brand will increase awareness because 30% of the posts are coming from your company. Showing how much your employees respect the company they work in is a big yes, yes

Influencers: A new trend that needs to be embraced on the platform is choosing influencers that will share your product on LinkedIn, teaching even a wider audience about your brand’s services and the benefits they can get if they decide to purchase.

Ads: LinkedIn ads are always a good option. You simply know they go viral and can expand to a much, much wider audience in the blink of an eye.


Measuring effectiveness

Benchmarking: These are all of the previous results you’ve gathered so now you need to compare them with your last brand awareness statistics. Doing so will tell you what needs to be improved in the future or what was the thing that you’ve done this time accurately.

Setting KPIs: Give a good think about all of the elements that need to be sorted when it comes to your campaign. What are the things that you need to measure, track and set up for the campaign to be successful? For instance, do you need coupon codes, UTM links, dedicated landing pages, and so on.

A/B Testing: Depending on how long your campaign is running you should always do A/B split testing where you will be able to see how well the content format is performing, whether you should change it or adjust it more to your audience, then how the frequency performance is developing, audience segmentation, etc.



Following these tips will take you closer to more valuable connections, creating real communication between your brand and your targeted audience, and a great way of spreading your brand awareness content in the right place.

International Marketing Agency can teach you how to manage all of these tips so that your profile will grow. Our team is highly experienced in this field and it will help you to spread your brand awareness throughout the platform.

Please don’t hesitate and contact us at: